"Joystick control is unmanageable"

masc@phoenixx.com (B Masc) wrote:
>back to EarthSiege...sigh... BTW both EarthSiege and MWII have an 
>"auto-center" button on the keyboard, so if you wanted to autocenter 
>you could use that. Why force this auto-center "feature" on us 
>joystick users when a auto-center button is already included?

Okay, after thinking about this a bit more, I realized how it would work if the game didn't respond to the joystick's physical autocentering (i.e., exactly as you describe). And I agree, this would be better. I think this is an option that really should be added in a patch.

I find the joystick control of the turret unmanageable as well (the L/R directions, anyway...I find U/D easier to deal with), and I have been using either the keyboard or the mouse to control the turret. The mouse is ery effective for this, but it takes some getting used to (for someone who never flys flight sims with a mouse, anyway).

Braden McDaniel

(ref: braden)