"The targeting system is just INCREDIBLY jumpy"

I don't know if I'm having a joystick problem, or if the joystick control system is simply not to my liking.

BUT, when i'm trying to target say, the legs of an enemy mech, I find it damn near impossible. I can put the crosshairs there for a moment, then suddenly, I find that I'm aiming at the ground, or at the body, or to either side. Not by much, mind you, but I'm no longer on target. And it's not consistent. When, for example, I'm level, everything works well. I shoot the legs right out from under them. But when I shoot up a hill, or they're coming down a hill, the targeting system is just INCREDIBLY jumpy.

Yes, it's possible that I just suck, but I don't suck nearly as badly at other games. I even went out and bought a game card to try to help; it didn't.

Am I missing something else? I love this game, but I'm going to take it back as it plays now. It's just too frustrating. :(

Tim, since there are so many unhappy joystick customers, what do you think the odds are of addressing this in a patch? I read something about the joystick moving to exact coordinates. That's fine and all for some, but I really dislike it.

Thanks, Todd Wesley Thompson

(ref: toddt)