"Essentially unusable joystick torso targeting scheme"

-This should fix the joystick problem some have had with a drift to the
-left.  It
-should also fix the problem some have had with the Netmech demo where one
-the players wouldn't get beyond the drop ship screen. However, the patch
-has reportedly been giving some players more trouble. The patch will be
-revised and rereleased this week. No determinations have been made
-regarding further patches. We will keep you informed on further
"No determinations have been made regarding further patches".

Terrific. We get one patch that by all accounts creates more problems than it fixes...and the blatant arm bug is ignored. As is the essentially unusable joystick torso targeting scheme. Moving the torso proportional to the joystick deflection makes precision targetting completely impossible. The joystick position should control the torso's RATE OF MOVEMENT, not POSITION.

"No determinations have been made"...I don't like the sound of that. Activision came across as very open and responsive BEFORE the game was released, when they were telling us how wonderful MW2 was going to be; now that so many people have bought it, are they giving us the cold shoulder?

I hope not. After all you guys still want to foist expansion packs on us, right? Oh, and let's not have any of that garbage about having to buy the expansion pack in order to get the patch.

Edward Thommes

(ref: thommes)