"Non-centering is something all other sim games support"

rdclark@aol.com (RDClark) wrote:
>Uh, no. I have a CH Mach II as Joy2, on which you can turn off
>auto-centering for either axis right on the stick. I'm using it for
>(analog) throttle and torso, and have mapped the button on the top of the
>stick (button 3) to center the torso. 

Understandable, however I have said I use an F-16FLCS (which is the standard for sim fans) and unfortunately it lacks the option of a joystick non-autocentering feature (never needed it before, who needs a non-autocentering feature if the software supports delta position instead of analog? Which BTW ALL sims have supported until MWII as this is considered one of the most BASIC control functions.

>Like I said before, I understand the desire for these fixes, and agree
>they should be included in a patch. But I've played with mouse and
>keyboard as well, and found it eminently functional and enjoyable, and so
>I don't see indicting the game because it doesn't let you turn off
>autocentering on Joy2, which most people don't have anyway.

I'm not talking about Joy2, I'm talking about Joy1! I have rudder pedals to control chassis movement and my F-16FLCS to control gun aiming (both x & y axes) on Joy1 (which also doesn't let you turn off auto-centering) Like I said before borrow a F-16FLCS and set it to torso & turret control..THEN you will see what all of us are talking about... Geez, that was the whole point of my last post.

Try it (with our setup) before you tell us that it isn't that bad (BTW this is a basic function, something all sim games to this point have supported, so to expect this from a game as great as MW2 (yes I have already said it IS a great game if you've read my posts) is not at all unreasonable).

MW2 IS a great game don't get me wrong (I've mentioned first before I first started this thread) but when you can't enjoy decent controls, it really detracts from the enjoyment of the game. Maybe once you're tried full HOTAS (hands on throttle & stick), and never having to touch the keyboard you will understand how truly aggravating going back to hunting and poking on the keyboard is.

BTW to anyone who doesn't already know Tim & Activision have told me that (fanfare please) THEY ARE GOING TO RELEASE NON-CENTERING AS AN OPTION SOON! Yes, it's true. Now MWII can be what it should have in the first place: The Ultimate Mech Simulator.

B Masc - The Masc

(ref: masc8)