"Very primitive, hard to use, impossible to aim"

Tim Morten writes:
     In all honesty
     I am sorry about that: I wish we _could_ make everyone happy.  There
     just isn't enough time to implement every single feature that this
     person or that person cares passionately about.

This small feature has always been big problem. Maybe you just don't realize how important the interface to a game is. Part of the user interface is the wonderful texture-mapped graphics. On this side Mercenaries is more than adequate. - But what the user sees is only half the picture, so to speak. A game is not a movie, the whole basis for a computer game is interaction. Why don't people like me like interactive movies? The answer is that they aren't nearly interactive enough.

To be truly interactive a game must pay attention to the other half of the picture - input devices. MW2 did a heroic job of providing a flexible, easy to use, customizable input. The support for the advanced control devices is one of the big pluses of the game, but there is a big black spot that marrs this near perfect interface, and this, of course, is the very primitive, hard to use, impossible to aim, absolute joystick control for the turret. I'm very disappointed that Activision has done *nothing* to improve this, while they have spent a big portion of their effort improving the graphics.

I am telling you now, that the joystick fix was, and is, important to me. If it's fixed, you'll be selling at least one extra copy. I can't speak for everyone else but I'm sure you'll convince a few more people. Whether the joystick fix would convince one or ten or a thousand customers is something that I simply don't know. How many people actually look into a product before they purchase it? I imagine that more and more people purchase computer games based on the packaging. I don't.

Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what you are going to do with Mercenaries. I hope that 1.05 changes my mind.


Doug Gould

(ref: gould2)