"Have it stay on target!"

willday@rom.oit.gatech.edu says...
>It looks..favorable..from Activision for a patch to make joystick
>centering optional.  Tim Morten sent me a short note that said they
>were "actively looking at making the centering optional based on
>yours and others suggestions."

Please please please do this. I try as much as possible to use the joystick, but for long range sniping I am forced to resort to the mouse because I can't hold the damn joystick STILL!!! I want to be able to let go of the thing and have it stay on target!

>I sure hope this comes about.  I would urge anyone else who would like
>to see this to please write a short note of support for the idea to
>Tim (tmorten@activision.com).

I'm doing it in the other window while this article posts...

Barry Hales

(ref: bhh4)